crisis management .


Roni Rimon

Eran Yoels

Tomer Hambursky

Crisis Management

A crisis is like a toothache; if you don’t treat it, it won’t go away. We believe that organizations or people who do not address a current or future crisis, will be unable to come through with optimal results.

The basic assumption is that “crises have no rules” and yet, in our current day an age, in light of the media’s incontestable power, the availability of information and immediacy of social networks, there are indeed several clear “rules”. A swift and precise response, public dialogue, transparency and generosity are just a few; there are many, many more. When experiencing a crisis, even where a company or organization employs a spokesperson or in-house PR professional – we are called upon as “specialists”. In such cases, we work together with the organization’s professionals, sometimes remaining behind the scenes whereby the media is unaware of our efforts. In other cases, we work with the professional and exercise our extensive connections with others who may be beneficial to the matter.


It is important to note that many crises can be predicted and mitigated with a proper approach, and a growing number of businesses and public entities choose to take preemptive action, consulting with us and devising a “Crisis Portfolio” to prepare the organization for a possible crisis. We take great pride in handling hidden crises that did not reach the media or that did, but were properly handled. Even those who did not prepare in advance and were thunderstruck by the crisis understand that they must turn to experienced professionals for guidance on how to operate in order to achieve an optimal outcome.

business& Economy