Economics & Business .


Roni Rimon

Eran Yoels

Tomer Hambursky

Economics & Business

The media molds the public discourse in Israel and dramatically impacts the measures taken by private and public companies, public organizations, NPO’s, public officials, policy setters and more. In today’s reality, considering the intricacy of stakeholder interests, intelligent media relations are essential.

Whether related to specific consulting on a high-profile media event or an ongoing media interest, we will work with you to formulate a strategy that corresponds with your goals and needs. 

In recent years, media channels have gained immense power and ability to direct the public-economic and social discourse in Israel. This strength lies not only in molding the discussion, but also in significantly impacting decision makers in the public and private sector. In the current day and age, any company and commercial body seeking to be heard must attain public exposure. We would be happy to place our experience, availability, professionalism, creativity and know-how at your service, enabling us to tell your story within Israel and to the world.

Among our past and present clients: REIT 1, Milgam, BRG Group, water corporations, Nisko, Citizen’s Empowerment Center in Israel, Noga – The Israel Independent System Operator Ltd., Solaer, Israel Farmers’ Federation, The Plants Production and Marketing Board, Union of Nursing Service Providers in Israel, Qualita (Hub for French Immigrants in Israel), Netafim, Yakhin Group. 

business& Economy

CLIENTS in the past & present